For After Hour Dental Emergencies Call (434) 251-3100 For After Hour Dental Emergencies Call (434) 251-3100

When You Should Call an Emergency Dentist in Danville

July 22, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 2:10 pm

Woman holding teeth in painOn a hot summer day in Danville, what is better than sitting on the porch and sipping a cold iced tea? But be careful – if you are like many people and enjoy chewing on a few ice cubes from time to time, your relaxing afternoon could quickly turn into a painful dental emergency! Mouth injuries can happen when we least expect them, so it is important to know what to do in case they should occur. Here are a few tips from an emergency dentist in Danville on how to handle common dental emergencies.


Serving our Patients at Roman Eagle Memorial Home

July 13, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:09 pm

Dentist with PatientSince 2016, Danville Dental Associates has been serving our patients at Roman Eagle Memorial Home in Danville, Virginia. Roman Eagle Rehabilitation and Health Care Center, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization providing both short and long-term care and rehabilitative services.


3 Reasons to Visit Your Dentist in Danville on a Regular Basis

July 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 10:53 pm

A woman smiling in the dental chair.When we think about dental visits, our minds don’t always go to the most pleasant memories. As we age, we may start to think that because we don’t have any oral problems, that means dental visits become less of a priority than when we lived with our parents. Today, your dentist in Danville wants to explain three reasons why you should think otherwise.

Making routine visits part of your self-care will save you money, save time spent in the dental chair, and prevent unnecessary pain later in life.
