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Questions to Ask Your Dentist Before Getting Invisalign

October 28, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 5:47 pm

woman with question marksAre you ready to say goodbye to your crooked smile and hello to a set of teeth that makes everyone around you jealous? Invisalign in Danville is a fantastic way to nudge your pearly whites into their proper places. When you visit your dentist to talk about getting clear braces, may feel more confident if you prepare some questions ahead of time. Here are a few things you should ask before you make a commitment to Invisalign:


Everything You Need to Know About Sleep Apnea in Danville

October 8, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 10:33 pm

pregnant woman dental appointment Did you know that poor sleep quality and quantity during pregnancy can disrupt the development of a healthy baby?  Disruptions in sleep can lead to lower birth weights, a weaker immune system, and other complications like depression in the mother.

What if you could avoid these potential problems for the baby and mother alike by identifying a simple sleep disorder? Believe it or not, your local dentist is probably the best professional to assist you with this health problem. Obstructive sleep apnea in Danville could be the cause of your restlessness and snoring throughout the night.
