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How Does Better Oral Health Lead to Academic Success?

August 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 6:35 pm
a little girl brushing her teeth

It may not seem like a logical connection, but did you know that your child’s oral health can either help or hinder their academic success? Making sure they practice good oral habits at home is crucial but so is keeping their regular six-month dental checkups and teeth cleanings. Find out why scheduling a dental visit at the start of the year will give them a better chance of doing well in school.


Summer Is a Great Time to Start Invisalign! Here’s Why

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 10:14 pm
Smiling woman on beach.

During the summer, the heat often makes it unbearable to do anything at all. The bright side is, with less going on it can be the ideal time to start Invisalign treatments. This easy, hassle-free way to straighten your teeth is virtually invisible, involves no pointy wires, and boasts a 96% satisfaction rate. Read on to learn more about why these hotter months can be the best time to start realigning your smile.


4 Summer Oral Health Tips to Keep in Mind

June 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 10:34 pm
people on summer vacation smiling

As the summer vacation draws near, individuals across the nation are gearing up for exciting warm-weather escapades, ranging from beach retreats to international journeys or local explorations. Regardless of your plans, preserving your smile’s well-being is of utmost importance. Keep reading to discover four indispensable summer oral health tips that will safeguard your beam against dental problems so you can maintain a radiant, healthy smile.


4 Reasons to Get Your Smile Checked Before Summer Vacation!

May 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 8:19 am
a woman with a beautiful smiles enjoying her summer vacation

Summer has arrived and it’s time to enjoy all that it brings! From beach vacations to visiting a destination you’ve always wanted to see, there are many special memories to make with your loved ones. One of the things that can make your vacation smoother and more “picture-perfect” is visiting your dentist before you leave! Here are four reasons why tending to your smile before a vacation is beneficial.


What Your Dentist Wants You to Know About Oral Cancer

April 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 5:21 pm
a patient attending their oral cancer screening

Though its name might not be as frightening as brain cancer or lung cancer, oral cancer is among the deadliest iterations of the illness. A staggering 54,000 new cases are diagnosed annually—with around 43% of these cases having a grim prognosis, and most of the rest suffering from severe long-term complications. That said, oral cancer is also one of the most preventable types of cancer—and it all starts with knowing what to look for and how to protect yourself! Here’s what your dentist wants you to know.


3 Reasons Your Teeth Could Need a Spring Cleaning

March 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 5:02 am
bouquet of spring flowers

Spring is finally here, which means that it’s time to start all those cleaning jobs you’ve been putting off all winter. But have you considered that your teeth could use a spring cleaning as well?

Regular preventive care is vitally important to a healthy smile, and now is as good a time as any to schedule biannual checkups and cleanings. Here are some reasons why a spring cleaning for your teeth may be a good idea.


How A Healthy Smile Will Benefit Your Heart

February 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 11:22 pm
an illustration of a heart in someone’s hands

February is American Heart Month, meaning that it’s the perfect opportunity to assess your cardiovascular health and seek out ways of improving your well-being! One way to do this is by turning your attention toward your oral health; believe it or not, the state of your smile can actually impact your cardiovascular wellness! Here’s more from your dentist about this connection along with some ways to ensure that both your heart and your smile are happy and healthy.


3 Reasons You Should Visit Your Dentist Early In the Year

January 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 7:08 pm
a man undergoing a dental checkup in Danville

Once the new year rolls in, most people are busy planning out their schedule for the upcoming months. Not only will your calendar likely fill up, but so will your dentist’s. Other than keeping up with any New Year’s resolutions, you’ll want to stay on track with good oral health. The last thing you’d want is to experience a dental problem that could have been prevented ahead of time. Read on to learn three important reasons why you should schedule a dental checkup at the start of the year.


4 Tips for Helping Your Teeth Survive the Holiday Season

December 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 3:28 pm
Smiling couple holding gifts during the holiday season

From the candy jar at the office to treats at holiday parties to sweets made at home, the holiday season tends to be filled with temptations. There’s nothing wrong with indulging your sweet tooth a little, but if you let yourself get carried away, your holiday celebrations could end with an emergency trip to the dentist. To make sure your teeth stay safe throughout the festivities, keep these 4 oral health tips in mind.


4 Ways You Can Save Money with a Dental Visit

November 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — danvilledental @ 8:31 pm
a patient undergoing a dental visit in Danville

Now that the holiday season has arrived, you might start to feel a pinch in your wallet. If you like to buy gifts for loved ones, you may begin to wonder if you should cancel any upcoming dental visits to save money. However, scheduling routine appointments with your dentist can make it easier on your bank account in the long run. Read on to learn four ways you can save money with a dental visit in Danville!

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